Some dates and times may change due to weather or other unforeseen circumstances.
January 8th: General Board Meeting
January 5th: Last day for regular Registration (NO EXCEPTIONS)
January 9th-11th: PLAYER Assessments
January 13th-15th: MLK Tournament
January 16th-17th: Draft
January 29th: Practices Begin
DATE TBD: Mandatory Manager's Meeting
February 7th: General Board Meeting, 6:30pm
February 3rd-4th: Old Man Winter Tournament
February 10th: One Day Superbowl Tournament
February 17th-19th: President's Day Tournament
DATE TBD: Scorekeeping Training
February 24th: Field Prep Training, Bob Kildee Fields
February 25th: OPENING Ceremonies
February 26th: CPBA Games Begin
March 29th-30th: Easter Bash
April 3rd: General Board Meeting
April 1st-5th: Spring Break
April 5th-6th: CPBA Picture Day
TBD: Allstar Draft *Subject to change
May 25th-27th: Memorial Day Tournament
June 12th: General Board Meeting - Annual Board Election
June 8th-9th: Allstar Classic Tournament
June 15th-16th: Father's Day Tournament
June 13th-17th: PONY OPEN Tournament
June 27th-30th: 5U Finals, 9U, 11U, 13U PONY REGION Tournament, 7U Super REGION (NO games on July 4)
July 3rd: General Board Meeting
July 5th-8th: 10U, 12U, 14U PONY REGION Tournament, 7U WORLD SERIES
July 6th-7th or 13th-14th: Summer Slam
August 7th: General Board Meeting
August 5th: Fall Ball Registration Opens
August 10th-11th: Avery Wood Bat
August 17th-18th: Back to School
August 31st-Sept 2nd: Labor Day
September 4th: General Board Meeting
October 19th-20th: Halloweekend
October 2nd: General Board Meeting